ssh -i ~/SailfishOS/vmshare/ssh/private_keys/engine/mersdk -p 2222 mersdk@localhost
sudo -s
ssu er mer-cross ssu ur zypper ar zypper ref zypper dup
The Sailfish SDK now has arm toolchain installed by default, so you only need to add a target:
The next step is to install a viable target to the SDK. Return to 'Targets' tab and make sure that Mer-SB2-armv7hl is the selected toolchain, then add whatever name you'd like for you target and as the target url add:
Target installation should now proceed to download the target image, unpacking it and then updating Qt Creator with the newly created target.
And that's pretty much it, you can now compile Qt5 applications with Sailfish SDK. The build will also work for Sailfish applications but running them won't work as Jolla is still to release the Silica library for armv7hl.
Stay tuned for the knowledge of getting Qt5 apps to run on your N9/50 Nemo Wayland, from within Qt Creator, in the near future!